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Please enter your 9-digit Employee Number and your RBC Performance password, then click the 'Login' button. I asked her if she knew where my card was compromised and she told me she is not able to reveal that information, just my card was compromised and that they were cancelling that card and issuing me a new one. TD, RBC and BNS plus many other issuers worldwide. BMO doesn't issue Visa, only MC. A legit caller would be able to tell you the. RBC Insurance has recently released pharmacy ratings that assess a pharmacy's performance in a number of 'measures' related to drug therapy patients are receiving in treating specific common chronic conditions- such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma - and how these treatment guidelines line up with those proven to improve health.

Original review: June 23, 2019We met Ratna in June 2012 as we move to Calgary. At that time both just got our jobs.

Somehow we had a dream to buy our own house in Calgary. We were new to this town and looking for someone to help us in buying house. We already had an account in RBC. So we just gave a call to customer service and they referred Ratna's name to us. We met her in person and expressed our desire to buy new house. She was so nice and asked for just four pay stubs and processed for mortgage pre approval.

She only says that wait for another three months to become a permanent status in our employment. In September 1st, 2012 we were so surprised that one fine morning she calls us and saying, 'Can I have employment letters now.' We send her our employment letters and she confirmed us mortgage approval of $375000. We were so happy because we landed in Canada in 11th Jan, 2011 and we are ready to buy new house within exactly after 18 months we reached in Canada. YES WE BOUGHT OUR HOUSE BY NOVEMBER.Today we own another newly built house in Saddlestone. And now we own two houses.

She is instrumental in motivating us to own two houses in Calgary. She guided us through professionally. She even helped us in providing us a good lawyer and also property management person for renting my first home. Thank you Ratna for your help as a family member.

And encouraging us own another house. Thank you and wish you all the best. Needless to say I had two different banks during this time and decided to close my RBC accounts because I had been with Scotia Bank longer and felt the need to stay loyal to the Bank I dealt with the longest (fail). Scotia hasn't done a thing for me in 30 years but take my bank fees.

I decided this week to re-open some bank accounts with Royal Bank again and I couldn't be more pleased with the service I received. Re-stating the fact that I am not wealthy with perfect credit or what the banks consider a good credit score. I was treated with the utmost respect and given an opportunity to work with the Bank to reach my goals. On a final note I have worked as a credit analyst in the past and my situation over the past 5 years would not be the typical cup of tea for any lender - RBC was able to offer solutions and I left feeling confident and happy.

Original review: July 27, 2018We opened two accounts with RBC. Jamie.

of the Salmon Arm branch spent 3 hrs with us, first opening a savings account and then a US high interest US account. She was very patient and walked us through 'online' banking explaining every step in a detailed but user friendly manner.

She explained various services, costs, disadvantages and advantages in a very friendly and professional manner. When we departed we had Client Cards, Canadian Mastercard, US high interest savings account and US Visa card applications, and had deposited monies in all accounts. As we travel every spring to Arizona this will relieve us of the extra financial expenses we have incurred in the past.

Thank you Jamie. Resolution response: June 13, 2019Today I heard from the Manager. He was exceptionally good and dealt with all my concerns. He explained some of the reasons for the mishaps and how they will be rectified.

I feel very good about recommending the branch now and confident with their care in future. Original review: June 13, 2019Long story but essentially I just wanted to unlock my pension (early) because I am no longer a resident of Canada and I will be taxed more if I leave it there. When I was visiting Canada recently I took the paperwork I was advised to bring and was told that this process would happen within 5 days.

This time passed and I heard nothing! SO I called and still NOTHING. I sent 2 emails, left a voice mail just asking for a quick update. I called customer service 3 times and was told they notified everyone in office (manager, assistant manager and the girl I was dealing with). Still nothing. I finally called manager and left a message. Manager must have talked with the girl because suddenly she took an interest after 23 days had gone!

She told me that it would be only a few days more. I then received a letter the following day, dated 10 days prior to my visit to the bank, stating I needed to fill in a form within 30 days. Otherwise they would contact Revenue Canada and I would have to file taxes annually (I will be filing taxes in my resident country).

The letter was received past 30 days? I sent an email with scanned completed form to girl but have heard nothing. I sent a note to manager and have heard nothing. I am now on 30 days of trying to get some kind of information about my account. It angers me that they have zero interest in keeping me apprised.

On top of that the pension reached its maturity date just days after I visited bank and so my pension is sitting not even getting interest. By the way I have been a loyal customer of RBC for 20 years. Not impressed with their communication skills at all. The branch I have been dealing with for this concern is 810 Upper Gage Hamilton. Original review: June 11, 2019Hi my name is Fidi and I have been a client with RBC for over 8 years.

I do not owe them money and my account always had funds. Last week I received a letter in the mail saying they're closing down my account with RBC. I called every department and they're telling me they can't release any information regarding this. They don't want to tell me why or what I did. I recommend not going with RBC to anyone. Whether you have line or credit or anything else, they will close your account with RBC with no explanation or reason. I WASTED OVER 8 YEARS OF MY LIFE WITH RBC AND IT WENT DOWN THE DRAIN.

ALL WANTED TO KNOW WHY!? Original review: May 23, 2019Extremely rude people work on the other end of the phone. There needs to be some serious government oversight because this company does many things that are totally unethical. They charge fees after services have been cancelled. The second you call they cancel the fees.

They are clearly banking literally on people that don't look at their statements in detail. This company only cares about short term profit. They do not care about their employees or customers.

Find somewhere else to do business. Original review: May 16, 2019I've been a RBC client for nearly 20 years and recently switched my personal accounts to them from the credit union I have belonged to for nearly 40 years.

Because I am a senior and can't always get to the branch, I rely on their on-line service to pay bills and manage my accounts. I have to say of all the on-line services I have encountered being in business, RBC seems to have the worst record. Half the time I cannot do any personal business because their system is 'temporarily out'. This is most distressing and given that I have to pay my bills on-line (going paperless!) I am very angry with RBC for not getting their act together. I have to say that the smallish credit union I belong to has a far more efficient system that the great RBC. Furthermore, when I contacted customer service (which took forever) the guy basically told me they were having difficulty with the system. I already knew that.

Plus he was of no help in solving the problem. 'I'm sorry to hear that you are unhappy' he said.

Like that's any help. So today is the second day in a row that 'their system is out' and I cannot pay my credit card bill. I now understand why RBC gets a 1 star rating for their online services. I had account payables which are being delayed and some emergency payments had to be made from my personal account. After many many requests RBC has not yet issued me a Credit card which I got approved while opening the bank account. This negligence and delays costed me 2 hours of delay in work due to card declined at Home Depot. (Material shortage delay.) 2 Hours of delay due to unavailability of rental equipment (Card declined at Industrial equipment tools and rentals).

I am a small business operator in phase of setting up a business. This might be a small loss for some other business but I have limited capital and resources at the moment. Original review: May 4, 2019The bank put a deposit only message on my account, I went into the branch on Monday to have it removed.

I was told the manager would review my account the next morning and contact me by the end of the week. So the next day before closing I went to the branch again and demanded to to withdraw my money and the manager refused and arrogantly handed me a pamphlet on how to make a complaint. I then returned the next day letting them know that I now have missed two days of work because I didn't have money to purchase gas for my vehicle in which he responded, 'I told you I'll call you Friday.' I returned again the next day and told them that this was the third day I couldn't drive to work and I was told to file a complaint. He then decided to hand my account to the assistant manager to review.

She called me on Friday and asked if $50 or $100 would get me by for the weekend and I replied, 'No. I would like all of my money.' She called me back a couple of hours later and said $500 is all they would allow. What I would like to know is how a bank as large as RBC is, can give so much power to one individual who clearly is going out of his way to make things more difficult for me just because he feels like it. Also I just tried to sign in my business online banking and a message to reset my password and when I called RBC hotline # like they tell you to do to reset your password I was told that I would have to visit the branch. I had no problem logging in this morning. So just the manager deciding to make my weekend a little harder.

Thanks RBC, you're pathetic. Original review: April 22, 2019I have business account with RBC. Where I deposit cheques every month and all the cheques are from same one client! They been putting it on hold for 24 hours! Which was ok and now they started holding it for 4-5 days.

I tried calling customer service where there’s no option to talk to Real person. Has to talk to their virtual assistant like stupid and then Finally it says he can’t help me so he gonna transfer my call to representative and no one answered call. They been putting me hold for 2.5 hours in process of transferring to someone real. After 2.5 hours phone got disconnected without talking to anyone. Switching my account to another bank. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH RBC.

Original review: April 4, 2019I opened my account just recently at a branch in Dundas and Spadina last month. I plan to use it after a month, once I joined my next job at a new company. The advisor gave me a void cheque for the payroll direct deposit. I gave it to HR then receive my pay slip after working there for 2 weeks since I'm paid bimonthly. When I checked my account, I was wondering why my pay wasn't reflecting so I waited few more days 'cause there might be a lag or holding policy or whatever since it's a new account.

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I had to investigate if it's HR or the bank's fault. HR confirmed everything to me like validating account number, other info and validating that money was removed from the company's account so it had to the bank. I talked to two tellers in a branch near my current workplace in Mississauga near Square One and they keep on confirming it's functioning properly and mentioned about a lag.


So I waited for two more days again and decided to call RBC and the advisor confirmed that there's a 'message' that the advisor (the one who opened my account) forgot to remove so I my pay bounced back to the company so I had to wait another week for my pay again since bounced money takes time again to process. I just wondered what's gonna happen if I didn't call or what if the company didn't notice this. Original review: March 21, 2019I have been banking with RBC for over 20 years, I have had 3 mortgages with RBC and have been a model customer. After my wife left me, I opened a personal checking account (previous was joint) and whilst doing so in the branch I asked RBC to transfer all the direct debits from the previous joint account to my new checking account. As I was in the branch doing this I wrongly assumed everything was completed.

I work overseas and a few months after opening my new account I received a message from my daughter telling me I was in default on my RBC mortgage. I checked my account and the funds were there but had not been debited for 2 months. I immediately phoned RBC on a satellite from Libya and was told to go on line and transfer the funds to my mortgage account, which I did. On returning home I applied for a refinance on my mortgage so I could release equity to pay off my ex wife, as the process proceeded I was informed I have been declined due to my credit rating.

My credit rating took a hit due to the mortgage being in arrears for 2 months. Due to the state of my credit rating I was forced to take a mortgage with a 'B' lender which inevitably comes at a much higher interest rate, in my case it was 6% for the first year and 7% the 2nd year. I needed 2 years to rebuild my credit after it took the hit due to the incompetence of RBC and in addition has cost me in the region of $60,000 in additional interest payments.Once my credit rating was restored I applied for a mortgage again, and I guess I really should have gone elsewhere after the first experience.

Anyway everything checked out, my credit was excellent, my earnings were sufficient as was the equity in the property so it was all go, or so I thought. I received an email from the RBC Mortgage representative just before I left work in Norway to return home saying that no lawyer was required and that I just need to sign a few forms in the branch.I arrived back in Calgary on the 27th of Feb 2019 and the mortgage was due for renewal on the 1st of March. Upon landing I sent an email to the mortgage advisor at RBC and said I was in town and heading home and asked should I drop by the branch to sign the paperwork. No response until after 6PM when she phoned me and I was told 'you know I've hit a wall, right' I said 'no' the last mail I received everything was set and I just needed to sign the forms.She went on to explain that everything qualifies OK. The problem is with my foreign earnings!

Apparently RBC are not happy with my foreign earnings, but for the last 20 years all I have ever earned has come from overseas and yet they are quite happy to receive wire transfers every month into my account without any question. RBC had been working on my mortgage renewal since Dec 28th 2018, so it took 2 months to reach this decision and tell me. One of the reasons for the wire transfers is that RBC's currency exchange rate is 4-5 cents lower than anywhere else, therefore my salary is paid via a currency exchange broker in London as I gain anything from $10001200 every paycheck. I complained to RBC several years ago and the branch manager did match the market rates, but I was told this was a one time deal and he would not do it again, this forced me to find a broker that could offer the services I needed.This left me in a huge hole with just 1 day to get another lender organized and RBC simply did not care, even though I was in this predicament due to their failures, in addition nobody in RBC has been held accountable for the huge problems they have caused me. Long story short, I approached ATB and within 3 days had approval pending a property valuation, the property valuation was completed on day 5 and by day 7, I had visited the branch and signed the paperwork.Mortgage done and at the same time saving me $1600/month due to the competitive rate I have been given!!! The manager at ATB could not have been any better and the experience there has led me to open a personal and business account, get a personal and business credit card and close everything down at RBC. I am extremely bitter at the treatment I have received at RBC and very angry that nobody has stood up in my defense or anyone has been held accountable for their failings.

I would strongly recommend anyone considering banking of any description to avoid RBC, there are better options out there and I found one. Original review: Feb. 22, 2019I have a small business and for over 10 years 2 bank accounts with RBC.

I have received an inactive account notice on a business savings account stating that it has been over 2 years since I had activity on this account. In the past 2 years I have had interest deposited monthly and I deposited 70K in Nov. The reason for this letter and the notice that I will be charged $20 inactive fee is because I haven't used my client card on this account.

I use my client card number almost everyday to access my accounts. How many businesses actually use a client card to do business banking? The whole premise of this letter and impending fee is insane. I will be closing this savings account.

I will also begin the process of establishing another bank for my business. RBC does not want small business. Their customer service was useless and when I asked for a manager I was given a new call center person who was condescending and when I asked for his manager I was told his manager does not speak to clients. My recourse is is talk to my branch manager. My branch manager does not know the difference between a bank statement and a client activity statement. How far do you think I will get speaking to her?

Want a business bank account? Stay clear of RBC. Original review: Feb. 21, 20194 years ago I was stupid enough to get an RBC West Jet rewards card.

I always made my monthly payments. 6 months ago my son's father was unable to pay child support.

I called them and they said they are writing off the card to 'a third party collections agency.' For the past 3 months they seize 80% of every deposit, they seize child benefits, everything they can. I've lost our car over this, I'm unable to pay bills, buy food for my kiddos, unable to function, really, this has been the worst experience, the lowest low blows.

The credit card had a 2k limit. They have taken $3,100 in 4 months. RBC IS THE WORST.

Original review: Feb. 12, 2019I make 100,000 and own my own home and have very good credit. I applied for a home line of credit 16 WEEKS ago. Yes you read that right. They had an appraisal done and no issues there at all either. I’m not looking to borrow more money, just to tidy up some building/renovation debt. I get no calls, no updates, only a reply if I go over the agents head and still no answer about my financing.

I get, I’m busy. I’m not at the office. I’m away on holiday. I will be sending all in for approval. I will check when I’m back to my office??? RBC doesn’t care about customers at all.

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I’ve gone over this agents head and as far as the ombudsman and all they do is defend and pat their employees on the back. There is absolutely no reason that my secured line of credit should not have been approved in less than a week including the appraisal.

I hope a lot of people read this and pick any bank except RBC for your mortgage or line of credit. I should have just gone to TD right from the beginning. Now that I read these reviews about RBC today I feel sick to my stomach for believing that RBC was a reputable bank. Original review: Jan. 16, 2019I have had a RBC Visa for over 30 years. I am trying to keep my credit card use under control so I hadn't used it in over a year. It had zero balance throughout that time with a credit limit of $10,000.

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Suddenly I was informed by my credit/identity protection company that RBC had closed my Visa account in December 2018. I had no notification or knowledge of this, and my credit rating took a huge hit and is now at a 'poor' rating, after having been 'good' for decades. I called to find out what happened and was told that the annual fee of $20 (due in August apparently) hadn't been paid so they closed my Visa account.

I told them I knew nothing of this fee and no one had contacted me to notify me of either the fee or the closure. They said they had tried to contact me by phone on a few occasions but no message was left and they did not try to contact me by letter or email. So - without having made ANY ACTUAL contact with me - they closed my Visa account, a card I have held with them since I was in University. This is terrible, uncalled - for and pathetic service by one of Canada's major banks. I am livid and am spreading the word that RBC is the worst bank in Canada.

I withdrew my bank accounts from them about 8 years ago due to bad customer service and now they have let me down again. Original review: Jan. 16, 2019We were taken advantage of and lied to regarding a credit line. When we renewed our mortgage we got a credit line as well.

Come December the rate doubled!! We were never told and now they say our rate when we signed was just a promotion!! Branch manager said he'd look after it, he didn't, we now pay twice the interest. Should BE CRIMINAL!!!

The last response from them was 'I do appreciate that rate adjustments are not pleasant' REALLY?!? They doubled the rate without notice, CROOKS!!! Original review: Dec.

29, 2018My mother passed away on June 18, 2017. I just wanted to write to you about the experience my Dad who is now a widower with his bank. His Bank the Royal Bank illegally took money from his account without permission to pay off an line of credit $50k.

Then the jacked up his mortgage by $500 dollars a month and wouldn’t decrease it for a year. Even though 3 times we filled out paperwork and they said they would and then he had a line of credit that he was planning to get address to which he had a week ago. And the bank closed without permission. He is 81 years old. He cashed out his RRSP to have some cash on hand for expenses. The bank has constantly lied to and manipulated saying one thing doing another thing and doing things that are illegal saying it’s bank policy. I have looked up the laws.

I’m writing to you because I am hoping that you can help him and shed some light on how evil they are and the people who work there have manipulated things for their benefit. It is just mind boggling what they have done and tried to get away with. It is amazing these crooks are in business especially with all these reviews. Doesn’t care though all the care about just like the bank is lining their pockets.

Sick and evil what these SOBs do and get away with. Original review: Dec. 28, 2018I reported a fraud whom I paid after an online shopping. I called them right away after I learned that the site was fraud. All they do is keep telling you get a report from the police to show it's fraud and email it to us. When we had our report we wanted to send it to them but they said they don't have that address or whatever and that they can't refund us until they have the report. It's been a month and still no refund and when we call again they said, 'What's the case number' and all.

The same thing over and over. Still nothing. What a shame to this bank.

Very slow in helping their customers and the customer service people are rude. They don't really care about our concerns. I hope someday this bank will be bankrupt. They have poor service. At ConsumerAffairs we love to hear from both consumers and brands; please never hesitate to.

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